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Mark Miller

Wylie's Learning Lagoon - Fraction Edition - Part 2 of 9

This week let’s investigate a second grade benchmark - take a look at this problem from Grade 2 MA.2.FR.1.2!

Save Wylie’s Weekly Problem below to use with your students:

How can we support students in learning this concept?

Before students see this problem:

  • Give students a piece of paper and ask them to fold it in two equal parts; encourage students to fold the paper in half either horizontally or vertically and discuss how they might look different, but they are both correct ways to divide the paper in two equal parts!

  • Give students a piece of paper that has an even number of squares and ask them to complete the same exercise. Ask students what they notice about the number of squares in each equal piece of the paper.

Give students this problem:

  • Have students discuss the given problem in partners or small groups and then share out with the class.

After students see this problem:

  • Give students a blank rectangle of 12 squares and ask them to partition it in a different way that still shows 2 equal parts; have students compare their rectangles with each other and with the original problem.

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