Let’s add and subtract fractions this week as we explore Grade 4 content and benchmark MA.4.FR.2.2
Save Wylie’s Weekly Problem below to use with your students:
How can we support students in learning this concept?
Before students see this problem:
Continue learning from grade 3 by having students name fractions and then write an equation based on a model - such as the problem below.
Focus on the final shaded area as the sum of the fractions shown on the left of the equation.
Introduce students to other methods of modeling fraction addition and subtraction, including number lines and drawings
Give students this problem:
Give students time to work on the problem on their own, encouraging them to select a method that works best for them.
Have students compare their sums and methods with partners or a small group.
Discuss the sum and methods used as a whole group - ask students to justify why a given sum and model is or is not correct for the problem.
After students see this problem:
Give students the model below.
Ask students to come up with 3 different expressions that have a sum shown in the model.
Ask students to come up with 3 different expressions that have a difference shown in the model.
Give students time to work independently or in small groups to complete the task, then list all expressions for the class to see
Give students time to look through the list of expressions and determine if they agree that all have a sum or difference equal to the value in the model
If expressions do not, ask students to justify why not and ask how the expression can be changed to have the same sum