Let’s move into multiplying fractions this week with a 5th grade benchmark MA.5.FR.2.2.
Save Wylie’s Weekly Problem below to use with your students:
How can we support students in learning this concept?
Before students see this problem:
Do some just-in-time review with students to review the concept of multiplication. Below is a possible problem to work with:
If students are out of practice with using models for fractions you can spend some time practicing partitioning rectangles to model fractions.
Give students this problem:
Give students some time to brainstorm ways to partition the rectangle with their partner, give them time to productively struggle with the problem.
After some time, ask students to share their thoughts with the class, encouraging students to come to the board to share their partitioning with the class.
Have students discuss variations in the models and whether they believe the variations correctly show the multiplication problem.
Once one or more correct variations are agreed upon, have students give the product.
After students see this problem:
Discuss the pros and cons of using models to multiply fractions.
Give students another problem to work through with a partner.
Ask students if they noticed anything about the product in the last problem and the product in this problem (to lead them to see that the product of fractions is the product of the numerators over the product of the denominators).
Give students another problem to prove if this theory is correct.